What do you know about Love?

A friend of mine sent me this note through email a long time ago. I am unsure how long I have kept this article, but I have decided to re-post it. I would like to thank whoever was the first to write this article because it’s really inspiring, and I hope it will inspire many other people… 


“Love is to give, not to ask; Love is suffering but never wants to take revenge. Love brings life; hatred brings destruction” – Mahatma Gandhi

God has given us a pair of feet to walk, a pair of hands to hold, a pair of ears to listen, and a pair of eyes to see. But why has God given us only half a pair of hearts? Because He gave the other pair to somebody else for us to look for. That is what’s called Love.

Two drops of tears flowing on a river. One teardrop said to the other one, “I am a teardrop from a girl who loves a man but has now lost him. Who are you?” The second teardrop replied, “I am a teardrop from a man who regrets that he had passed a girl whom he had loved.”

True love is when the one you love loves someone else, but you can still smile while saying: “I’m happy for you.” If you love someone, we will always pray for him, though he’s not beside you. Do not ever say goodbye if you still want to try. Do not ever give up if you are still able. Never say that you don’t love him anymore if you can still forget.

Love begins from your eyes, whilst affection comes from your ears. So, if you want to stop liking someone, just close your ears. But if you try to close your eyes, that love will become teardrops and stay over in your heart for a long while. Love comes to those who still have hope despite being let down. To those who still believe when they have been betrayed. To those who still want to love when they have been hurt and to those who still have the courage and fortitude to rebuild faith.

Don’t leave it until you have to write those love letters on his grave. Say it now while you still can.

Maybe God wishes us to meet and love the wrong person before we meet the right one; we must understand how to thank this grace. Love does not teach us to be weak. Instead, it makes us strong. Love does not teach us to be contemptuous but to encourage being heroic. Love does not weaken spirits but raises the spirit. Love can change sour to sweet; gold dust; dark to light; sick to healthy; rock to water; sadness to joy; anger to blessing. It hurts when you love someone and are not loved back, but it is even more hurtful when you love someone, but you are not brave enough to say it.

It’s unfortunate when you find someone who means a lot to you, only to find out that in the end, it’s nothing, and you have to let him go. When you miss someone, your heart breaks into pieces whenever you think about him. And just hearing his ‘Hi’ would mend together those pieces.

God created 100 % of Love. He keeps 99%, and the rest He sends down earth. The 1% is used by all creatures to love each other, so a horse would raise her legs because she is afraid that she would stamp on her children.

Sometimes, you don’t appreciate others who love you with their heart until you lose them, at which time there is nothing to regret. Don’t love someone like a flower because a flower dies when the season changes. Love them like a river because a river flows for eternity.

Love has the power to melt iron, destroy stone, raise and give life to the dead, and make a slave to a master. This is the power of Love. As a start, love is to let someone you love be himself and not to change him into your image. If not, you will only love the reflection of yourself that you find in him.

“4Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, 5it isn’t rude, it doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable, it doesn’t keep a record of complaints, 6it isn’t happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. 7Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things. 8Love never fails.” 

(1 Corinthians 13:4-8)


Love is a feeling that must exist in everyone; it is like the morning dew coming down from heaven, clear and pure. It’s just a different kind of earth that receives it. If it falls to the infertile soil, it will grow into immorality, falsehood, cheating, unfaithfulness, and unworthy affairs. If it falls to fertile soil, it will grow pure heart, genuine nature, and reasonable manner.

Love, which only comes from the lips and not from the heart, has the power to crush your heart and soul, whereas love from the heart will heal wounds. You will never know when you will fall in love, but when you do, grab it with both hands and don’t let go. Love is not a cheap and common word that is uttered from mouth to mouth, but love is God’s Grace that is beautiful and pure.

  1. It wouldn’t call it a sea if it weren’t waves. It wouldn’t be called Love if the feeling had never been hurt. You wouldn’t call him lover if he had never been longing nor felt jealous. To love is easy, and to be loved. The tricky thing is to be loved by a person that we love.

The only way to get love is not by demanding love but by starting to love without expecting something in return.

I am a wife and a blogger who inspired to share knowledge and wisdom. Live for today, Learn from yesterday, and Pray for tomorrow. Let there be light and keep the faith!