Treatment for Hair Falls
I have been living in Dubai for more than 10 years and my hair falls like crazy. Many of my friends said it’s because of the water here. Some said the heat during the summer is extremely hot. Some also said that it was because I tie my hair back every day. Anyhow, like many people who live in Dubai or anywhere in the world for that matter, we kind of experiencing the same symptoms at some point.
It’s normal to lose some hair every day. We all know if the hair fall is no longer normal, over time we can see some baldness on some part of the crown. There are many causes of hair loss being discuss in the world-wide-web, whether it is genetics, hormonal, skin infection, psychological, or something more complicated than that. I have a skin condition called psoriasis. It gets very itchy in many small parts of the body, including the scalp. I have visited a few dermatologists but only one who actually managed to treat my skin go back to normal.
Anyway, we can talk about psoriasis some other time. Today, I would like to share with you hair fall treatment that really works for me. Before I go ahead, please bear in mind that I am Indonesian, and I have black Asian hair with fine strands. I know for sure below treatment works for me, but I cannot guarantee it will work for other types of hair. Nevertheless, I believe the theory should be the same.
Biotin is a supplement that you can take orally. A dermatologist once suggested me to take this supplement. I have been reading a lot of feedback from those who are taking this supplement and all of us have the same positive result. You can buy this supplement from any pharmacies, even online and they come in different dosages. I am sure your doctor or pharmacist can suggest which one to take.
In the past, and still taking them – a 5000mcg supplement – one capsule daily. The result is really like magic. My hair grows fast and in some parts that were starting to get bald are actually growing some baby hair. But, as soon as I stop taking the supplement, the hair growth also stops. I stopped because a pharmacist suggested a better supplement called “Maxi Hair” which I thought Biotin still better.
You can purchase one from Amazon.ae, which is available and it will be delivered to your door.
Please stop immediately taking any supplement if you experience side effects like vomiting or some kind of allergic reaction. Always consult with a doctor for the correct dosage.
Oil treatment
I am talking about natural oil specifically Castor Oil and Olive Oil. One of my roommates oil her hair once a week and her hair is amazingly long, thick and healthy. Then I asked her to give me her recipes.
Olive oil is high in antioxidant content and it promotes scalp health. Whilst Castor Oil works to control hair fall and improves blood circulation to the scalp, treats dandruff, as a natural conditioner and many more other benefits.

How to use it? Mix a ratio of 3:1 of Olive oil and Castor Oil in a small bowl. Depending on how much and how long is your hair, the mixture should not be more than a tablespoon. I have medium length hair and this amount is more than enough. Apply to your scalp with your fingers and massage gently for about 5 minutes. Leave the mixture on your head for a minimum of 15 minutes and not more than 1.5 hours. Then, shampoo your hair twice with your favourite shampoo.
Some people like to wrap their head with a hot towel while waiting. This is perfectly fine. Actually, it is kind of relaxing. Some people also heat the oil before applying to the hair. Well, my friend said, she does not recommend this, because whenever the oil is being heated, it loses its benefit. I am not sure what is the truth in this, but I would prefer to use the hot towel.
Be careful!!! Don’t burn yourself.
Here’s the key to this. The oil treatment is basically adding a natural moisturizer to your scalp. Your scalp is also part of the skin. Imagine if your skin is the earth where the plants grow and our skin grows hair. The plants need moisture and nutrients to be able to grow and so does our scalp. I realize, whenever my scalp is dry, it gets itchy, I have dandruff and my hair falls more. I also notice, once I regularly applying oil to my scalp, the hair feels like it has been given a good nutrient food. That’s also my friend’s testimonial who has been oiling her hair weekly for years.
Give it a try!!! It is totally affordable, and it makes you feel relax while you are doing it. If you cannot do it weekly, every other week or even monthly is really a treat for you.
Stop using the oil if it gives you irritation or an allergic reaction. Never use expired products. If you cannot find the expiry date on the packaging, look at the color of the oil. Oil should be transparent. Olive oil is transparent green-ish color, while Castor Oil is a transparent white color. If they have changed color and no longer transparent, please do not use them, throw them away.
Always keep oil in a dry and cool area. Do not store them in a heated place.
Brush the hair
I also starting to take this advice regularly. Brushing my hair just before I go to bed really makes a big difference. I am a messy sleeper, meaning, I don’t normally sleep on one side the entire night. I move around during the night and I always wake up with totally messed up hair. However, since I brush my hair before going to bed, I noticed that my hair falls less.
The type of brush I use is also taking a good part of it. I use what I call paddle brush. The brush is not only for brushing the hair, but also meant to massage the scalp, and making sure that all the dust and dirt are being brushed off the hair. So that during the night while we sleep, the scalp can produce natural oil.

Washing hair
I know people who actually wash their hair every day. No, the hair should not be washed every day. We should allow the scalp to produce its natural oil before we wash them off.
However, it is depending on the type of your hair. I understand if your hair type is oily, you might want to wash every day. But bear in mind, the original purpose to wash hair is to remove all dirt from the hair and scalp. The natural oil produced by our body is not entirely bad.
Sebum is a natural oil constantly produced by your sebaceous glands. We all produce it throughout our lives, but hormonal changes (during puberty or pregnancy, for example) can increase or decrease sebum production. It helps to protect your scalp and hair, to keep them healthy and feeling moisturized. It also travels down the hair shaft to protect each hair strand, helps to protect from bacterial infection by forming a barrier to keep most disease-causing microbes out.
That being said, I wash my hair every other day, because I want the scalp to naturally produce Sebum. If I wash my hair every day, first – I don’t have time for it, and secondly, I noticed my scalp becomes too dry and dandruff starting to appear. Then more hair falling.
Many kinds of shampoo are being sold out there, from the cheapest to the most expensive ones. I choose a shampoo with Biotin. Shampoo only is not enough, I always add conditioner to keep the hair strands moist. If the hair strands are moist, it will keep them from breaking.
Final Thought
Any things are aging, including our bodies. It takes many years for the hair to fall and reaches to baldness. It will also take time to recover. The treatment above is not going to make the hair grows in seconds, it will certainly take time. So, be patient. It is all about nurturing the scalp.
Any products mentioned or posted in this post are merely the product that I regularly use and it works well for me.
Always seek your doctor if you think your hair loss is severe. Never take home remedy route if you are not sure. Also, see the doctor’s attention as soon as you experience any side effects or allergic reaction.
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