How to stop smoking?
Tell me! How long have you been smoking? Or how did you start smoking?
I started smoking when I was at college. All my friends were smokers. At first, I smoked just to put on an act, so that I could blend in with them. Instead, they all laugh at me because I wasn’t doing it right.
So much effort for blending in, a friend from France was the one to taught me how to smoke properly. I remember I choked myself from the hot smoke of the cigarettes as I was trying to inhale through my throat and lungs.
Yup… that was my naughty young and innocent days back at college. From there on, I always make excuses not to stop smoking. Right, I thought smoking was cool. Actually, you get to have a chat with cool people too.
I smoked a lot and I am not proud of it at all. Well… I wasn’t even thinking about pride when I was doing it. I made burned marks on tables, chairs, my favorite pants, my favorite suits, my favorite shirts, my car seat, and a lot of other places too. I even almost burned my hair and eyebrow from trying to lit up my cigarette. That was scary.
On a good day, I used to smoke about a pack a day. On a bad day, I could pass the day with about 2 packs of cigarettes. I wasn’t really loyal or stick to one brand type of smoker.
When I was in the UK, I will go for anything as cheap as possible, because it was expensive. And back then all the smokers used to stick around together and shared their pack of cigarettes.
At one time I got fed up for sharing mine, I changed my pack to menthol cigarettes. I was surprised that I liked it and no one asked me for one unless they are so desperate. Nobody likes menthol cigarettes. Until the day I quit, I was a loyal menthol
When I moved to Dubai, I was surprised that I can find Indonesian Cigarettes. You know, those ones with cloves and make a crackling sound when you inhale the cigarette.
Also in Dubai, I was introduced to Shisha. I can smoke Shisha for hours and hours while hanging out with friends. Especially in the wintertime. Hot coffee and Shisha was a great combination.
I started to feel that smoking become a really bad habit and took a lot of my time. I lost my confidence because I smell bad cigarettes smells on my clothes, my hair, and bad breath.
My boss who was a non-smoker started to speak his mind about his objection
One day, a friend told me that he stopped smoking once by reading a book. He said he did not have a strong will that he started smoking again. I did not pay too much attention to how he was giving up smoking, but I had the name of the book registered in my mind.
I told my Boss about this book and he offered to buy me the book and made a promise to buy 6 more books after 3 months if I managed to stay out of smoking. These books are to give away to other colleagues so that many more people will quit smoking.
I was curious about the book, so I downloaded the E-book. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I started to read, and then I came to a chapter where it suggested to stop reading if I wasn’t ready to quit yet. Believe it or not… I followed that instruction.
I had about 10 packs of cigarettes to finished, so I stop reading for a while. But then, I decided to continue. I thought, what difference does it make whether I quit or not. I was a slow reader anyway.
I got even more curious about how the book ended. With 10 packs of cigarettes left in my drawer, I continue reading for about a week. Right, I am not quite a book junkie who can finish reading a book in a day.
I had too many distractions in between and I was still not convinced about the book that makes people quit smoking too. So it took me a while and I was skeptical.
I remember
After a while, I was in a cafe reading a book, and the weather was so good that I was tempted to have a Shisha. I knew that in order to permanently quit smoking, I need to completely reject all kinds of smoking including shisha or cigars. I thought to my self, “Hmmm… maybe it’s a good time to test the theory.” So I ordered a Shisha, my favourite flavour was Grape and Mint.
You know what! I regret that day for ordering a Shisha. Not only that I choked myself like hell, like the day when I was trying to
I screwed up!!!
I was hiding from friends that I went back to smoking. I was sad to know that the theory was correct but happy at the same time that I was determined even more knowing what it takes to quit smoking.
So far, I have stopped smoking for 8 years. I am proud to announce that I am no longer an ex-smoker, but I am a non-smoker.
How did I stop smoking?
So, I know you all wondering which book I read that help me quit smoking. The book called “EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING” by Allen Carr. If you are serious about quitting smoking, I suggest that you follow me and read this book. I will not go into too many details about how… Read the book and you will know why and how easy it is.
but one thing I want to tell you…
Whenever you wish to stop smoking, make sure that you inform your friends, family, and colleagues that you are quitting. As from my own experience, trust me, you will experience withdrawal symptoms, bad temper, and bad headaches a lot.
I am not kidding.
Those people close to you should understand that the “no smoking” thing is the cause of this behavior. The withdrawal symptoms can get out of hand, and you might hurt other people and yourself along the way.
So, get yourself a copy. Stop smoking now before it’s too late. I am here to support you 100% if you ever need help.
I feel that it is my duty to share something that really works for me and some other people I know about how to stop smoking. Giving up smoking is purely for your own benefit. Your health most importantly.
If you happen to go back smoking after reading the book and not been able to stop… hey… no one is forcing you to stop. You have to be willing to stop smoking to truly work. It has to come from yourself first, then you will be able to do it permanently.
If I can do it, so can you!
Good Luck! I know you can do it too.
Keep the faith!
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