Easy Homemade Pizza, Be-Bulb Style: Cheesy Love

I love pizza, but I love it, even more, when I can make it at home and save money. Especially in this time of year that every penny is counted. Saving every coin of pocket money is very important.

Is making pizza at home from scratch easy?

I am sure it is and you can find millions of ways to make your own pizza dough from scratch. I even share my bread recipe which you can also use as a Pizza base.

Another thing I love about making this Pizza is spending less time in the kitchen and less washing up. Not that I don’t have time during this quarantine period, but I don’t make pizza for fun.

I make this particular pizza because I need to save money during this quarantine. Let me explain to you how I managed to save money with making my own pizza at home.

Just for a comparison, a Dr. Oetker frozen Pepperoni Pizza cost about AED 21.75/- each* and a medium Pan Pepperoni Pizza from Pizza Hut is around AED 40/- each (not including the delivery charge).

*USD 1 = AED3.68 (UAE Dirhams)

Here’s Be-Bulb Style Homemade Pizza

The way I do my pizza would still count as “Homemade” because I baked it at home. The only difference is that I did not make the pizza base from scratch.

That’s right, I bought the pizza base. I am sure you can find a Pizza base, Pizza crust, or Pizza dough, whatever you call it at your nearest supermarket. There is plenty of Pizza base kind that you can use.

So, what do you need to make this Cheesy Love Pizza at home?

Pizza Base

Here in Dubai, Medium Pizza base is sold for around AED8.15 for 6 rounds of Pizza base. So, each Pizza base cost about AED 1.36.

Normally I buy the medium size because it is just the right portion for me, a single person. If you have a family, you are more than welcome to purchase the large size.

One thing to note: you can buy many pizza bases and put them in the freezer. The night before you want to have your pizza, make sure that you keep your pizza base in the fridge overnight. You can keep it in the fridge until it finishes. Make sure that you finished it within a week.

What else do I need to make Pizza?

Pizza Sauce

Of course, you will need Pizza sauce.

I found the American Garden brand is pretty much affordable for a jar of Pizza Sauce. It cost only about AED6.95 for a 14oz jar of Pizza Sauce. You will only need about 2 tablespoons of the sauce each time you make one medium pizza. So, a jar can make about 10 – 12 rounds of pizza.

The pizza sauce is really depending on your taste. Nowadays, there all different kinds of flavors you can choose. But for me, I don’t want too many flavors on the sauce because with the additional toppings, the pizza will already very flavourful.


Usually, I mix 2 kinds of cheese using Mozzarella and Cheddar Cheese. You can add any of your favorite cheese, but these two are my favorite.

Shredded Mozzarella (200gr) cost only AED8.00 and shredded Cheddar Cheese (150gr) cost AED10.00. Depending on how much cheese you put on your pizza, these two bags of cheese can serve about 10 – 12 medium pizza, and probably more. Let’s say we are making a generous portion.

What’s your favourite topping? Salami or Pepperoni?

Well, in all honesty, you can have whatever you want. Salami or Pepperoni or both. You can even put extra Onion, Bellpepper, Black Olives, Tuna, Chicken, Sausages… anything. The list is endless.

My favorite pizza is Pepperoni Pizza. So, the Be-Bulb style homemade pizza is made only with Salami or Pepperoni. A pack of Salami or Pepperoni cost around AED19.00 and from this pack can make about 6 – 9 rounds of pizza.

As you can see from the picture I posted, I just needed 4 slices of pepperoni. I could add more, but I wanted more cheese than Pepperoni.

Let’s build the Pizza

So first of all, preheat the oven at 220°C or 428°F while we are building the Pizza.

Take a baking paper or baking sheet on the oven tray. This is one of my tricks to having less washing up.

Put one round of the pizza base on the tray that already lined with the baking sheet.

Spread around 2 tablespoons of the Pizza Sauce to the corner of the pizza base.

Sprinkle with shredded Mozzarella Cheese, then Salami or Pepperoni, and/or any other toppings you want.

Lastly Sprinkle with shredded Cheddar Cheese.

Put the pizza in the oven for 5 – 10 minutes. I usually watch the cheese turning color. That’s when I know that the pizza is done. Also, keep an eye on the base. You don’t want to burn the base.

The reason why I put cheddar cheese the last, is because cheddar will turn color to brown when it’s cooked and Mozzarella takes longer to brown.

How much this Homemade Pizza cost?

For each Pizza cost around AED7.00/- (or less than $2).

Be-Bulb Style Homemade Pizza cost in UAE Dirhams.
Base on Carrefour Supermarket (UAE) prices in June 2020.

Compare to buying a Dr. Oetker Frozen Pizza or buy from Pizza Hut, I can eat Pizza for a week (well, almost).

So, this Cheesy Love, Be-Bulb Style Homemade Pizza is really a great option if you are running on a budget for your meal plan. Again, you can choose whichever toppings you like. The point is that it is really cheaper to make your own pizza.

Many Pizza establishment need to pay rent and utilities and salary for the people who make the pizza and all the service you are getting. So, there you have it. The choice is yours.


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I am a wife and a blogger who inspired to share knowledge and wisdom. Live for today, Learn from yesterday, and Pray for tomorrow. Let there be light and keep the faith!