The Benefit of Evening Primrose Oil for Women

In one of my days strolling the Malls of Dubai, I was invited by a big sign at one of the shop windows.

It was a health food shop with a giant poster saying, “Buy one, get 1 Free.”

Huh… who would never get invited to just at least go and see? I don’t usually easily believe in this kind of promotion. Well, this time I did…. I went inside the shop looking for something interesting I could buy. I was presented with different kinds of supplements, and you know, most supplements are expensive, but I thought “buy one, get one free” would give me 50% off the actual price. So… I continue my stroll.

Suddenly, my stomach was cramping from the 2nd day of period pain, and I remembered the article I read on Evening Primrose Oil that might help with the hormonal imbalance. Immediately, I asked the assistant lady to help me find it, and she pointed out all the different kinds and doses of the Evening Primrose Oil jars.

I got overwhelmed, and then she explained to me the use of this supplement, so I decided to take the most miniature jar in the shop because I was thinking – what if it didn’t work? What if I got an allergic reaction? What if there are side effects? Then, it will be such a waste. So, I did not take the promotion option. I took the most miniature jar with the smallest dose from the shelves.

Anyway, as soon as I got home, I tried to find online about Evening Primrose Oil. I encourage you to do your own research about the supplement yourself, too, before deciding to make a purchase.

Many pieces of information are out there, and this little supplement has more benefits than I thought. But, first of all, let me tell you why I decided to get this supplement.

I have developed some acne around my face in the past few months. Strangely, the acne will form almost within 24 hours of consuming peanuts. Only peanuts. The effect might be slower when consuming other kinds of nuts like almonds or walnuts. They are focusing around the chin and near the ear.

At one time, I thought I started to develop this acne because I had been going to the gym, the effect of sweating, or because my period was due. Again, I stumbled upon a post about “What your acne tells you?”. The post suggested that acne around my chin tells me that I have a hormonal imbalance.

Every period, I always have very bad dysmenorrhoea, and it has come to the point that I cannot go through the day without painkillers. The post I read suggested that Evening Primrose Oil can help reduce PMS. So, I also wonder if it can help me reduce the menstruation pain by maintaining a healthy uterus.

What is Evening Primrose Oil?

Evening Primrose is a plant that was initially discovered in America. Almost all parts of the plant are edible and medically or cosmetically applicable. That includes the roots, leaves, blossoms, flower buds, and seeds.

Oil from the seed is extracted from it, and it contains many essential nutrient ingredients that interest many people, including Omega-6 and GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) is typically being produced in gel capsules of 500mg, 1000mg, or 1200mg.

The benefit of Evening Primrose Oil

Now, this will become very interesting. Though I think you may be able to get more information out there if you google it, I genuinely want to share with you my personal experience in consuming this particular supplement, so please bear with me.

As it is explained earlier, EPO contains mainly Omega-6 and GLA. Only GLA itself is essential for the proper functioning of a cell, especially in the preliminary stage of prostaglandin production. Symptoms like eczema, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), or menopause can develop because of prostaglandin shortage. In theory, consuming an additional GLA intake can help reduce these symptoms.

Many sources out there claim that EPO can treat problems with autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, or rheumatoid arthritis and also help to reduce hormonal imbalance issues.

How did Evening Primrose Oil affect me?

Well, I first encountered this supplement when I was in my thirties. Since then, I have visited my OB-GYN and discovered that I had a few fibroids, which often cause discomfort and very severe dysmenorrhoea; hormone imbalance apparently took part in this discomfort. That time, I took the smallest dose of the supplement. The only noticeable effect was that my pimples started to clear out.

A few things have happened in my life that I have forgotten about this supplement. Now I am in my 40+, I have decided to take the maximum dose of the supplement. My last OB-GYN told me that the fibroid will shrink as I get older. I have had some episodes where my period was taken over my week in severe pain. One thing I noticed since I started retaking the supplement was that I feel my PMS has reduced. My period becomes irregular – but I blame that on perimenopause. Yup… this thing is real. Maybe one day, I will share my experience of perimenopause.

All in all, this supplement really helps cope with the PMS. No more pimples. The pain is less.

One thing to remember, though! Please always consult your doctor about taking any supplements. My OB-GYN supports me in continuing with the supplement. The doctor will know how the supplement fits your needs.

So stay safe!






I am a wife and a blogger who inspired to share knowledge and wisdom. Live for today, Learn from yesterday, and Pray for tomorrow. Let there be light and keep the faith!